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Germantown Ball Field Louisville, KY

News Detail


Feb, 2024

Important Dates and Estimated Games for Divisions

Games for divisions

Wee Ball estimated to play on Monday or Wednesday and Saturday
Tee Ball estimated to play on Monday or Tuesday and Saturday
Coach Pitch Baseball & Softball estimated to play on Wednesday and Saturday
Minor Baseball & Softball estimated to play on Monday and Friday
Major Baseball & Softball estimated to play on Tuesday and Friday
Senior Softball estimated to play on Wednesday

Major and Senior divisions will be playing at home and at other ball parks, games away can be different from estimated days above.

Coach Pitch & Minor may play games away at other ball parks based on number of registrations.  Games will be limited away to make sure we get most games at home.  Away games can be different from estimated days above.

Important Dates

Player Evaluations

Softball - Diamond 4

2/27 - Coach Pitch Softball
6PM - 6 year olds
630PM - 7 year olds
7PM - 8 year olds

2/29 - 630PM Minor Softball

630PM - Major Softball
8PM - Senior Softball

Baseball - Diamond 3

2/25 - Coach Pitch Baseball
3PM - 6 year olds
4PM - 7 year olds
5PM - 8 year olds

2/26 - 630PM Minor Baseball

2/28 - 630PM Major Baseball

Wee Ball & Tee Ball does not have player evaluations. A coach will contact you in March

Senior Baseball starts later and registration will run into March.  More information to come later.

Parade and Picture Day
4/13 - Schedule and more information to come

6/1 - More information to come
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